Unveiling me

2016-01 Unveiling me.jpg

So many thoughts in my head…always. They are my constant companions.

Swirling, whirling, coming, going, returning, remaining, disappearing.

Some linger; they comfort me. They leave me smiling at things no one else can see.

Others torture me as they swirl around for days, like a whirlpool, dragging me under.  They drain me, they exhaust me. I silently scream ‘leave me alone!’ And eventually they do, when I am finally able to let go.

Sometimes they cannot be put in to words. At least any words that I know of. If there are no words for them, do these thoughts really exist?

Maybe they’re just not ready yet. They’re not ready to be put in to words, they’re still in their infancy.

So, I wait patiently with them as they meander through my mind. I wait until they are ready to transform in to something that can be expressed. Until then, they are there, with me, and only me.

And then something clicks, or opens up, or falls in to place, and the words come bursting out…only through written word, never spoken.  But it feels good – this self expression. It is feeding my soul, opening me up, revealing and unveiling more of me.

So to my constant companions I say “Thank you. Thank you for unveiling me. I am truly grateful.”

Kelli Savietto

I'm Kelli Savietto – a freelance graphic designer based in Perth, Australia. I love designing logos and creating brands for clients located all around the world.


Take a breath and let go


Perfectly unkempt