

Your breath…

Do you realise the power it can wield?
It is our life force and constant companion; from our very first moments, to our very last.
At once unassuming and extraordinary; bringing life to our bodies and vitality to our spirit.
It calms our nerves and smooths over our frayed edges.
It ignites our passions and fuels our creativity.
It steadies us when we falter, and brings clarity and peace.
It pushes us to keep going when nothing else can.
It will shift what no longer serves us, and replaces it with hope.
It brings us to here and now, and allows us to see the truth.
And it will, if we allow it, shine a light on our shadow;
Uncover the depths of our despair, reveal the rage buried within, and expose the fears we evade.
Then, without judgement, guide us through the other side; exhausted, elated, grateful, a new.
It gives us permission to let go.
And we can access this power at any time. It belongs to us. It is ours. And when we take a breath, we say yes to life. 

Officially unschooling
UNSCHOOLING Kelli Savietto UNSCHOOLING Kelli Savietto

Officially unschooling

Our eldest child turned 5 in 2015, and that meant that he was at compulsory school age. We had decided that homeschooling was definitely the way to go for us in 2014. We didn’t send our son to Kindergarten as I was concerned about the formal push down of education at such a young age. Then I read more and more about homeschooling, unschooling, and natural learning, and the more I read, the more I knew this was the right thing for our family.

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